Ex Rated Movies

A movie podcast by two guys who used to date and now they don't!

"Ex" Rated... Cause we used to date and now we don't... get it?

Filtering by Tag: s19

Episode 185 The Hitch-Hiker


January 2021, a month that will surely only be remembered for Bean Dad and Game Stop stock, is now behind us. That means we’re back to our regularly scheduled programming with the only Hollywood film noir directed by a woman, The Hitch-Hiker (1953). Based on the real-life cross-country killing spree of Billy Cook, certified “cool lady” Ida Lupino tells this brutal and emotionally wrought tale with empathy and flair. While perhaps not a typical noir, this desert-set, chiaroscuro-drenched affair manages to feel propulsive and tense, even at a brief 71 minutes long! Join us for some hard serial killer face, a bit of boomer humor, and some sex flashcards that taught us the word lingam, this week on Ex Rated Movies!