Episode 186 Possession
It’s Valentine’s Day season and Matt is reviving an old tradition we have here at the podcast of celebrating a day devoted to romance with a movie that doesn’t have a hint of romance in it. Possession (1981) is a movie that defies categorization. Part relationship drama, part sci-fi horror, part Cold War allegory (maybe?), Andrzej Żuławski’s emotional tour-de-force stars Isabelle Adjani (giving an impassioned performance) and Sam Neill (once again playing an unwanted husband) as they reckon with the pain of infidelity, the tribulations of divorce, and the hopefulness of rebirth. Oh, also sopping wet betentacled sex aliens. Join us as we discuss the 80’s sitcom Heinrich and Heinrich, Bob the kid, and Ryan’s harrowing viewing adventure, this week on Ex Rated Movies!