Episode 150 Vertigo and The Silence of the Lambs
In defiance of every imaginable odd, we’ve reached our 150th episode. If you bet against this milestone ever happening, and honestly, we don’t blame you, it’s time to pay up because we’re spending our 15th double feature talking about two movies on the semi-verboten AFI 100 list! We forwent our vetos last week as our first spin of the AFI Roulette Wheel landed us the primo picks of Alfie P’s Vertigo (1959) and Johnny D’s The Silence of the Lambs (1991). One’s a colorful, bizarre, expressionist exploration of duality, repetition, and desire. The other is a drab, empathetic, workplace procedural with serial killers. Both are great. Join us for a quintessential episode packed with high-brow analysis and low-brow blumpkin jokes, this week on Ex Rated Movies!