Episode 173 Dementia 13
Now that October has unfurled her macabre pall of spine-tingling delights, we can begin out annual Schlocktoberfest! Matt’s kicking off this year’s celebration with Francis Ford Coppola’s feature length debut, Dementia 13 (1963). Produced by the one and only Roger Corman, this drive-in double feature B-side is 75 minutes of incoherent terror. Imagine an unholy mashup of Psycho and Rebecca with a whisper of Diobolique and you’ll have an idea of what this movie was going for. Created in nine days, and loaded with otherwise fatal flaws, this scrappy effort’s brew of American girls, crappy toys, and inheritance drama manages to charm our cold, critical hearts. Join us as we discuss scary movie moments from our childhood, non-existent panties, and whatever that Cenobite did in the bathroom, this week on Ex Rated Movies!