Episode 174 Repo! The Genetic Opera
This week we’re mashing up our love of bad musicals with schlocky horror to bring you a god-forsaken goth, sci-fi, horror Frankenstein that fits perfectly into Schlocktoberfest. Sporting an incredible cast and a rich, promising premise, Repo! The Genetic Opera (2008) is a cacophony of dirge-y nü rock and soap level dramatics that Matt describes as “Andrew Lloyd Weber getting raw dogged by various goth bands” and Ryan describes as “Evanescence: The Musical.” And while the libretto could’ve used a good Philip K. Dick-ing, Paul Sorvino’s pipes and Paris Hilton’s de-faceing might make the whole thing worth while. Oh, and Sarah Brightman has projector eyeballs. Join us for a botched phone call to Paul Shaffer, a Hot Topic bargain bin brimming with red hair, and an overdue bananar redemption, this week on Ex Rated Movies!