Episode 194 Brand Upon the Brain
It’s been a while since we visited the strange, idiosyncratic world of Guy Maddin, but Brand Upon the Brain (2006) reminds us that we should definitely check in with it more often. Deploying frequent rapid cuts, melodramatic music, and cinematography reminiscent of film’s silent era, Maddin has concocted a feverish delirium of gender obfuscation, Oedipal implication, and Nosferatu insinuation on a shoestring budget. His films with their dazzling singular style and convoluted plots may be difficult to talk about (and this one is certainly no exception), but boy are they a joy to watch. Join us as we give voice to that helpful paperclip from Microsoft Word, enjoy a little wall butter (good for dippin’!), and get a bit serious about big floppy dongs, this week on Ex Rated Movies!