Episode 179 Unfaithfully Yours
While we might not choose many screwball romantic comedies on this podcast, the ones we do choose definitely tend to have a dark, suicide-y angle to them. Unfaithfully Yours (1948) for example, Preston Sturges’s unique take on the jealous lover imagining revenge trope, features a long scenario set to Rossini’s overture to Semiramide, wherein our main character imagines nearly beheading his wife and then framing his secretary for the crime. And while the movie might be light on romance, it’s rife with fantastic directorial flourishes, snappy quippy dialogue, and slapstick humor (played to perfection by Rex Harrison) that left both Ryan and Matt in stitches. Join us as we spill the tea about Peter Falk’s BDE, posit that DB TT’d MJ on the DL, and conceive the horrendous love child of Katherine Hepburn and Jimmy Stewart, this week on Ex Rated Movies!