Episode 176 Ghost Ship
Beginning with one incredible set piece in the first five minutes, and followed by 90 minutes of big-budget weak sauce, Ghost Ship (2002) isn’t exactly the Schlocktoberfest bon voyage we were hoping for. It does however provide a narrative about boat salvagers (of which the world could certainly use more), an excuse to talk about ghost ships en general (Mary Celeste anyone?), and an introduction to Ryan’s newest actor crush, Alex Dimitriades (aka DJ Boogie Monster, aka DJ Boner Killer). And while the movie is lacking in luster, your hosts sparkle as they bravely navigate it’s dull, treacherous waters so you can sit back and never watch it for yourself. Join us as we ask an injured bird to support us on Patreon, squabble over squall criteria, and vigorously swab the poop deck, this week on Ex Rated Movies!